Thursday, May 26, 2016


What is Truth?

I was inspired to write this by reading the article, In Search of Truth, after I had a question pop into my head: what is the difference between personal reality and collective reality? I suppose in order to answer that question, I have to first look at what Truth means. The answer I ultimately came to is that the Truth (yes, with a capital T) is unknowable to us in this flesh and blood form. This is because there are no words to express what Truth is. The author of the above article said that a stone may mean something to one person but mean something slightly different to another. In this way, our personal truth is also relative or, at least, subjective. What I write now is kind of a reflection/summary/example of what I learned through reading his article.

After having read the article, I summarized the process of filtering our perceptions in the following way:

First, consciousness perceives countless things but is limited to focusing on only a few at a time.

Next, we must decide what perceptions are important by attaching emotional significance.

Finally, we attempt to understand what we perceive by add meaning.

These three steps facilitate what it means to survive in the physical world.

Let’s say that you live in a desert, and you want for nothing; you’re mostly happy but alone. As you make your journey on Earth, you pick up things that ring as “true” for you. To appease the analogy, let’s say that these personal truths, in this example, are evidenced by materialistic objects, like a leaf or a twig. So as you go along in your desert-life journey, you pick up a cactus. This idea of a cactus or the object itself means something to you. Perhaps the cactus makes you happy because it reminds you of someone you loved who is gone and who hated them. Perhaps this cactus represents a virtue, such as striving for perfection. Whatever it is, this cactus represents a truth for you because you recognize it as important and you attach principles or emotions to it. This helps you survive in the world because it assists you in managing the multitudinous things we perceive. Whatever truth you associate to your perceptions, you carry it with you. These become your personal belief systems. 

One day, you come to a beach, and you encounter another person on their journey. They also carry objects, their truths, but they are much different than your truths. That person carries a fossilized starfish, a piece of driftwood, and a crab shell. However, after talking with them, you realize the truths are very similar if not the same, you just chose different ways to define them. What he believes to represent the idea of “loyalty,” you mostly agree with, but there are slight differences. You find getting along with this person is quite easy. 

The second day, you encounter a forest in which lives another person. The objects they carry and the truths they represent do not match your truths at all. What he defines as evil, you define as good, and then his good is your evil. You might then decide this person is not compatible with you and that you might quarrel. These truths are still true to him, and your truths are true to you. So which truth is “correct”?

Finally, there is the Truth. There is that which governs many things but that which remains undetectable to humans and other creatures. These things may be something like how gravity works, how the planets got started, what is good and evil, how many universes are there, the afterlife, etc. These things are usually things that humans don’t fully understand and are trying desperately to grasp. Wittingly or not, in our little scenario, you and the forest dweller and the beach dweller all agree on the Truth that there is gravity, 1 out of 3 believe in an afterlife, and 2 out of 3 believe that we are all connected to each other in some way. These Truths cannot be proven scientifically (yet) or are in the very early stages of discovery. More importantly, the fundamentality of these Truths are not capable of being expressed through words. Thus, until we reach a state where our language goes beyond words, we can never fully understand the Truth. 

Trying to understand the experiment of life is impossible because we are a part of the experiment. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Segregation, Deflection, and Accountability: Fear

Sitting outside, wandering among nature, wondering about nature, I have time to reflect on the question that is commonplace among humans: who am I? Some might say they are a chef or they are a follower of a deity and move on with their life never again thinking about it. No one is really ever one thing.

There are a few logical fallacies that exist when a person thinks in the above way: segregation, deflection, and a lack of accountability. The question of “Who Am I” is deeper than that. To understand why, let’s think about the fallacies as they are.

Segregation refers to the human tendency to separate things from other things. In my opinion, this comes from the desire to understand the environment in which we live and to have a sense of belonging to and contributing to that environment. Coming along with segregation is the idea of labeling things. These ideas of segregation and labeling seek to separate and estrange things that come from the same stuff. It is not wrong to seek understanding of the environment. It is wrong to be divisive and exclusive in society. It is not wrong to say we are Group A, and we like each other because we have the same beliefs. It is wrong to say that we are Group A, and our group is better than yours.

Deflection, in my use of the term, is when a person who has become close-minded to a fault. Whatever new concept presents itself is immediately deflected away from their core belief system. This comes from the fear that the belief a person has been following for all their life was wrong and that the person is themselves wrong as a result. It is a blow to the ego that drives us so strongly in this world and a blow that is insufferable to people with this mindset. Perhaps it is also fueled by the resulting belief that people have wasted their life believing misinformation. What they typically don’t realize is that they arrived at the final answer after having dedicated the time to the wrong belief. The time was not wasted because they found a better answer, the time was well-served because they took a bite of the cake as opposed to eating the whole cake in one sitting. To understand a concept, it’s easiest to approach the subject piece by piece, as we have done with science the last several hundred years. Deflection occurs when a person does not want to consider new information that may change the way they have been doing things traditionally. They are satisfied by the belief they hold and have held, and that in itself would be a great thing, but only if their traditional belief system doesn’t segregate others to the point of extremism, to the point where others are hurt and will continue to be hurt by the beliefs. For the betterment of human society, it is necessary to move beyond ways that separate others in harmful ways.

Finally, there is the lack of accountability. It would seem that there are people who believe it is not their duty to look inside themselves, but the duties of others. Therefore, they put off looking at themselves and searching for their imperfections, or they delay spiritual growth altogether and not consider it. Why would people do this? I believe it is because they’re afraid of what they might find when they look into the mirror. They’re afraid that they will be wrong, of what others would think, that they have a lot of thinking and changing to do, or they are afraid of fear. That is, they’re afraid of the unknown. The biggest adversary in the world is oneself. The inner self then becomes an indefatigable presence inside of a person that, over time, becomes too large and mysterious to face. What these people should realize is that it is fear that holds them back. There’s nothing to be afraid of, certainly, but tradition blocks even this idea. If a Muslim, for example, believes it is against religious instruction to eat the flesh of a pig, they’ll not do so, and sometimes without questioning why it’s not proper. After believing this for fifty years, they may suddenly be confronted with a Muslim who eats pork, and that Muslim challenges the beliefs they’ve carried all those years. They’re afraid of how Allah would judge them in the afterlife because they are ingrained to fear upsetting their god. The truth would be that Allah (or God, or Yahweh, or whatever) doesn’t care if you eat a pig. Once you get past that limitation humans set upon themselves, you open a door for new considerations and ways of thinking which will eventually lead you back to the idea that we are all one, that we all have our own will, and that there is no need to separate and do violence to one another when we believe differently.

So what is the one answer that will defeat all of these fallibilities of the human race? Release fear. It serves no purpose but to segregate and oppress.

Tradition and Breaking Out

Hello all! No, I have not disappeared, and no, I did not fall into the use of psychedelic drugs. It has been a while since my last post, but I can assure you, the disappearance is not due to a sudden dive into psychedelics. There was one time in during my downtime that I had a friend ask me about ayahuasca, and I was tempted! I was tempted because I believe in fate and chance. When something crosses your path a few times, I think it is someone or something trying to tell you something. I resisted having boiled it down to this basic reason: I want to bring about the change in me, not do so through plants. I don't hold it against anyone who decides to use psychedelics either.

To the topic at hand, I find that tradition is good for somethings, like having cake on your birthday. I feel, though, that we have to be careful with tradition. It has a tendency to lull our minds into a strait of narrow thought. Our thoughts in these times should not be narrowing but expanding. The danger lies in closing your mind to people and ways of thinking. Before you know it, a closed mind is thinking of ways to set limits for society and impose their personal beliefs on structures like law-making and governing. Sometimes it tends to make people believe that what is good for them should be good enough for the rest of us, and that is a dangerous way to think.

I am personally having a difficult time right now.

I am at a crossroads where something big is about to happen. I have started Reiki, but there seem to be few opportunities to perform it, even when I am giving it away. I have had one person, since I started practicing Reiki in January, who approached a friend of mine to inquire about it. I made a mistake about the amount I charged, and I supposed the amount was a bit scary. I since apologized and have reduced the price, but also offered it to the person for free. This person still seems skeptical, and I don't hold that against them at all.

I have started doing some work with dowsing as well. It seems really cool! There is a lot of work that goes into preparing the pendulum for dowsing, but the promise to get real answers that are reliable is there. This is the part of building my own intuition that is most rewarding, in my opinion. I started this with Tarot, but the pendulum seems so much more detailed and specific.

I am in the middle of changing jobs. I live in Taiwan, so it is important for me to get an alien residency card to remain legally. I have one more year to go before I get my permanent ARC, then I can do any job I want. Right now, I am stuck teaching. The school I am leaving has taught me a lot of lessons. I actually really tried to bring about positive change to the school, but the administrators didn't want my help. They didn't want my opinions. They wanted to oppress me, force me into doing silly things, and indirectly declare that they care little for my personal safety. This taught me that no matter how hard I try, there will be obstacles that are clinging to traditional ways of thinking, like materialistic greed. I don't want to be judgmental because everyone comes from different walks, but it really does seems sometimes that people that I am involved with think with backwards logic. It's frustrating.

I am finding it more and more difficult to fit into the mold that we call society. Teaching is a good job when teachers are free to teach what they want, when they are not poked and prodded to do meaningless tasks my administration, when there are students who are interested in learning. I find that there is a particular dogma that is desired to go along with that teaching, and that is to maintain the status quo of the society. Don't adapt, don't change, don't think. Put your head down, go to work, make someone rich with money while your soul is sucked out of you. That is not me, and I refuse to do that any longer than I have to.

There are positive things coming down the pipe for me, and I am anxious to break out of this "matrix" for lack of a better word, this stage where we are meant to perform like marionettes. We set our limits for ourselves, and I am setting mine so high that it's off the surface of the world. It is a lonely walk, it seems, because there are so few that think this way, or at least few who are willing to do something about it. Yet, it is so difficult to break out of the society too. Unfortunately, to live in this world, we still need things like money. How do you get money? Work for someone, or make your own business. The fact is that I am so disconnected from the system in which this world stagnates that I don't care to participate in its economy. It may be that I have so little to offer the world as a monetized service, too. What interest do I have in worldly possessions or effort toward anything that isn't working toward a better lifestyle for me and for everyone? The answer is: no interest.

There is a change that is coming; I can feel it. How prepared will I be?

Psychedelic Drugs

I’m now 36 years old. I can honestly say that, in all my life, I have never been tempted by drugs — until now. I have only taken of hookah once in my life, and I vomited soon after doing that. There were never cigarettes, marijuana, Ecstasy, or anything else. I didn’t have the curiosity for those things. In those times, I believe them to be a crutch. Psychedelics are slightly different, in the case of spirituality. There are people who say that psychedelics, like marijuana, LSD, magic mushrooms, etc., are tools through which one can expand the spiritual mind. It has also been claimed by those who are spiritual and use the drugs responsibly (let’s just take their word for a moment) that the psychedelic drugs can be used to “unlock psychic” abilities.

Let it be said here that those spiritualists who use psychedelics to expand their mind say that it is important the psychedelics are naturally found in nature. What you put in your body should always be fully examined and understood before ingestion. Many spiritualists claim to have done the drugs only for the purpose of kickstarting their psychic abilities.

I didn't really consider these until I met a couple on my many walks through my neighborhood. They claimed to have taken such things as acid and marijuana, and in many of their experiences, they claimed to have unlocked abilities — but these things last only as long as they are high. Some after effects may include an increased awareness about the world and one’s connection to it and everything in it, but as they said, if you stop taking the psychedelics, this will eventually wear off. The old life they knew, before having unlocked abilities, comes back, and life is normal again.

I did a lot of thinking about this, did some quick research about it, and I found there’s this naturally made psychedelic drug called ayahuasca. I actually found that it contains a natural chemical or substance inside it that can help with diabetes, a disorder which I have. I was curious now. Natural psychedelics that could help with my psychic abilities and my diabetes at the same time? Great!

However, the logical side of my brain began to sink in. There’s no telling what I will do if I took any psychedelic drug. I live alone, in a country far from my own, where very few people care about me. Those spiritualists who took or take psychedelics strongly advise those seeking to try them out to do so with experts in administering the drug and those who do so responsibly. It’s a world with which I am not familiar, and I am not afraid of exploring such worlds. I figure such experts are hard to find, and more, difficult to trust. The trust issue is an aspect of fear, I admit, and that’s fine. This is my life, and while I am not afraid of dying, I haven’t lived yet! I want to finish what I started for once.

So what’s the conclusion? Basically, my stance on this is no different than most other things that might not necessarily be harmful. Yes, drugs damage our bodies in some way, and how can anyone be sure that it isn’t this damage that causes the abilities to emerge? Psychedelics are said to assist in bringing about psychic powers. It might be true; it might not. The point of it all is that psychedelic drugs, in my opinion, are a crutch. They might be a tool that catapults you into the middle of things, but they do not prepare you to sustain any kind of power, as the couple I spoke to said that powers fade between non-usage.

I get that life is about experience, and one cannot really draw a conclusion on things that one hasn’t yet personally experienced. I haven’t personally experienced drugs myself, and therefore, have no authority on whether or not they work or are bad for our bodies. Drugs give you what monks prepare their whole life to achieve. I do think spiritual things are happening faster these days than they did in the past, but I want to get there by myself. I have always chosen the difficult way to learn my lesson, and that will remain the same with psychedelics. While I was tempted for a few moments, I thought about it and decided that whether or not I experience psychic phenomenon is not the purpose of being on Earth. My purpose is to help people heal, and I cannot guiltlessly do that while doing harm to myself. I want to get there by myself, so that if those psychic abilities do get unlocked, I know they are not the side effect of a drug. I will know that it is real.

So what now?

After I went through the QHHT process, I started to notice things some people call "synchronicities." A synchronicity can be described as something that just happens to come along at the right time, making it a bit more than just a coincidence. For example, in the QHHT session, I asked what can I do to help me to spiritually help other people. Something presented itself in the following days: Reiki. This is a Japanese healing technique based on meditation and the use of energy that surrounds us and pervades our space. It's limitless. Some cultures call this "chi" or "prana." Anyway, so I was looking into Reiki, but I couldn't find any teachers here that spoke English or that would even reply to my emails. I decided that I needed look elsewhere, and I found an online course offering it. The cost was normally $199 USD, but since it was the beginning of 2016, the course (and many others) were on sale. It was reduced to only $10 USD. I saved $189 dollars. That is a synchronicity.

The next thing that happened to me, as an example of synchronicity, is that I was locked into at least one more year at my current school as an English teacher. I had taken courses that authorized me as a certified Visual Arts teacher in the International Baccalaureate program from the UK. The backstory is that I believe my school used me to get the program started. My school is notorious for starting programs just to get the recognition, then not really follow through on all the things required to maintain it efficiently and creatively. Without getting into too many boring details, there had been a history at this school where teachers had been disrespected and basically under appreciated (isn't that always the case with teachers vs. administrators?). Back to the synchronicity, I had signed a contract promising at least 2 years after I became certified as a Visual Arts IB teacher. But because of my lack of experience in traditional art styles (painting, sculpting, drawing, etc.) because my specialty is computer-based art (which the administrators knew from the very beginning), six months after the start of the two-year IB course, they replaced me with another art teacher. They cited my lack of experience in traditional art styles (which doesn't really matter in the IB system, as students are meant to seek out experts on their own in the field of their choice). This excited me and made me so happy, where otherwise (without the knowledge that a new career path and lifestyle was opening before me) I would have been a bit pissed off. This was the opportunity I had to exit the toxic environment that was my school, which changed my personality a bit because I was so unhappy with the way things were going. I really tried as a teacher. I fought for the things students wanted and deserved, involved myself in activities I normally would not have, and extended myself in ways I never had before, only to be shut down at nearly every single turn. I was the young teacher, the torchbearer for greater circumstances. I am not trying to blow my own horn, I am just saying that I tried to bring change. I tried to make things better, but in the end, the administrators chased away all of that idealism, creativity, and sense of freedom with their pedantic rules, asinine procedures, and blatant regard for teachers or students. The school is a private school and is only driven by the acquisition of money. I have a new path before me, but I still need to have a steady stream of income for this next year, so another school it is -- or alternatively, some kind of English magazine in Taiwan.

Finally, the last synchronicity that I came across, was becoming a life coach. This is like a miniature psychologist: less training and less restrictions. According to this school of life coaching, there are two paths: life coaching and spirituality coaching. I think I will take the path of spirituality. This is the synchronicity that may supplement my earnings as a Reiki master and allow me to be my own boss forever. That's the goal, isn't it? My life has been pointing in that direction, being my own boss, for a while. I just didn't know what to do or have the motivation to do it. With all these things happening to me in a period of less than one month, how can I not see this to be the path? Spirituality is about developing your intuition. Reiki is about developing your intuition. Another way to develop your intuition is through Tarot cards, which I have also picked up. It is unfortunate that it took me this long to find the path, but I am confident that my ability will develop rather quickly. While 2016 is just starting, I think that this year will be the most definitive year of my life.

QHHT: My reaction and what happened after

Well, just let me say that all of this stuff sounds very fantastical. Maybe it was a true past life, maybe it wasn't, and I feel that's not the point of it. I feel that it could be a metaphor for what I was meant to be taught, and it was only a tool to show me. What I learned was that animals are important in my life. The trust and bond between animal and human is a unique one in nature. There is no love like an animal's. It truly is unconditional, completely trusting, and irrefragable. I have been feeling regret of having animals in my life right now (I know, I know). The trouble is that I live alone, and sometimes the neighbors complain about my dogs barking. Also, I live in Taipei, and it rains quite a lot. There's a covered space for the dogs, but it's not 100% closed off from the weather, so the ground gets wet from rain that is just blown in from the side of the balcony. Finally, I live next to a boulevard, and some of the soot from the exhaust pipes of cars gets pretty messy, both on the balcony and in the house on the floor (dogs tracking it in, I guess). Sometimes I feel that they are holding me back from doing things, traveling or getting out of the house, because I have to be with them a lot. There's no other place for them to go, and it is a bit sad for me. This is why I want a better apartment or a place for them to feel better.

Another thing I learned is that family will always love me. I kind of knew this already, but I think the hypnosis reminded me. I have always felt like a black sheep for whatever reasons. I didn't talk to people, I don't share my feelings, and I just don't overall, and that is different from my family. It was obvious to everyone that I just don't say much. It wasn't because of the company; I think it was because I was just doing a lot of thinking at the time, and my personality type is not one that talks a lot. The idea of the fish mom being there may emphasize the impact that my mom has had on my life. When I was dying in front of her, it may signify that the old me was dying and a new self is emerging. These things are not sad in and of themselves, so why was I crying? Crying can be a side-effect of hypnosis and connecting to the higher self, but in a more practical way, maybe it is the feelings we attach to archetypes like death and beauty. There were a few times in my hypnosis that I cried: one was when I saw the beautiful, majestic city, and two other times were centered around death (and death and guilt, in the case of the underwater human ship).

Speaking of the human ship, this part is a little confusing for me. I take it to be my past. There's no reason to go explore it, and I may feel some guilt about it, but the point is that it is a broken thing. The ship is at the bottom of the ocean and is not useful for the intent it was created. All of the baggage inside, crates, corpses, etc., were things I wanted to leave behind. I was curious about the ship, and that could represent my curiosity toward past-life regression. In the end, I ended up going away from the ship after having explored it only for a few minutes. This tells me to look into now. Don't worry about the past, nor the future. Be in the now.

Would I recommend this to anyone else? Yes, but I think you have to be open to interpretation. Don't take things literally. Maybe the life was real or maybe it was fake, but that's not the point. The point is that there are lessons within the stories that you see. Be open enough to grab them.

QHHT Part 3

At this point, the hypnotist was speaking to my subconscious, higher self -- the part of me that is my "soul." This part of a person has all the knowledge of all the lives of that particular person and has a significantly better handle on how the circle of life and the way the universe works.


M: He should know that his family loves him. That he's different, but... he still needs to get...

H: Is the mother the same as Brandon's mother right now, in this life?

M: I don't see that.

H: Same as his mother in this life?

M: Could be.

H: Anything in that life that the SC wants Brandon to see? (She calls the subconscious SC, and addresses me as a third person, Brandon, to distinguish between SC and me.)

M: He learned that animals are important for his growth. He learned that it's important to explore things that are scary. He learned that it is important to remember that family will always love you.

H: Anything else you feel?

M: No.

H: So why didn't SC select other lives to show Brandon?

M: He's not comfortable.

H: He will not feel comfortable?

M: He's not comfortable now. He hears a lot of the noise going on around, and he cannot filter it out.

H: Do you think that Brandon should take other hypnosis session in the future to see other lives?

M: Yes.

H: I will as SC Brandon's question list. We have 10 questions. Some are about the spiritual awakening. Do you have anything to tell him about this? He wants to know how to do work regarding spirituality and how to connect to his higher self.

M: Do you mean he wants to be able to access SC by himself?

H: Yes. Will Brandon be a healer in the future?

M: I see that.

H: Should he prepare something where he can have the ability to heal somebody?

M: I don't think he's a healer, but he allows them to see. They heal themselves.

H: How to heal himself?

M: He helps others heal themselves. He does not do the healing.

H: Any suggestion?

M: Not yet.

H: His other question is about his health problems. Do you have any suggestion for him, and can you heal him during his sleep?

M: Yes, I can help.

H: Can you help right now? (Silence) Can you do that?

M: Yes.

H: He must have strong trust, doesn't he?

M: I believe so.

H: SC, can you do healing work for him right now?

M: I am doing it.

H: OK, can I keep asking you questions?

M: I think so.

H: The other thing is he wants to know how to help others to advance spiritually. What knowledge does he learn or get in the future?

M: It's not important right now.

H: OK, he will know in the future?

M: Yes.

H: He cannot remember many things about his childhood. Why?

M: They're not important.

H: They're not important, so he doesn't need to remember?

M: He's trying to focus, he should be focusing on now.

H: He has some other questions. How can he connect with Earth and the humans on it more? He also wrote that he really likes coffee, but does it have a bad effect on his awakening?

M: The first question is that he has to be among them. He has to be among them. Stay off the computer when he gets home. (I feel this is talking about my habit of video games.) Next, everything in moderation, of course.

H: So anything that you want him to do to improve his health?

M: Take walks. Do exercise. Don't worry about work.

H: The other thing is there any important information Brandon needs to know?

M: Keep going down the path that he's going down now. He knows what I'm talking about. He's going away from the school.

H: You will let him know? Please, day by day, remind him.

M: OK.

H: Can Brandon's higher self connect with him and always remind him and protect him, just like today?

M: Yes.

H: And he will feel you, or he won't feel you?

M: When he sees...

H: Can he feel his high self always be connected with him?

M: I want to show him a picture whenever he thinks of higher self.

H: How many higher selves does he have? Many?

M: Several.

H: OK, the other question is there any blockage or damage that's preventing him from moving forward. How does he get rid of them?

M: He thinks too much.

H: Do you still work to heal Brandon's body, or are you finished?

M: Working. Not finished yet.

H: How do you do this work?

M: The blockages are being cleared; I'm cleaning and healing as well.

H: So working is being done. Not finished yet? (Shake head no) OK, we can wait. The other question is were there periods in his life where he experienced other spirits or in an alternate reality?

M: I understand what you mean. The first one was to give him an idea that there is something out there other than what he can perceive.

H: Can any other people help him?

M: He will be shown who can help him.

H: Me?

M: Possibly. You have to contain the noise, I think.

H: Did you finish the healing work now?

M: It's enough for now.

The session ends now by her asking the SC to give me some light, possibly to help connect the higher self to me. I'll share my feelings about this in the next blog post.

QHHT Part 2

This is a continuation from Part 1. Last time, I was some kind of fish person riding a horse that lived in the sea, having a tail like a fish. I didn't know who or what I was. The hypnotist asked me to move through the ocean to find my family home. Be aware that I know all of this sounds crazy.


H: What do you see?

M: I think I see a city. (start crying, probably because it was beautiful)

H: Atlantis city?

M: I don't know.

H: But you see a city. Beautiful?

M: Yes.

H: Your home is in that city? (nod) OK. You're swimming, and you go back to the city to find your home. You will see your home, and tell me what you see now. Can you see anything?

M: I see a stone house, I think.

H: Many people in the city?

M: Yes.

H: And what are they doing now?

M: We are under a bubble.

H: Under bubbles?

M: There's one big bubble that protects the city. (still crying)

H: Oh, what happened?

M: I just swam through the bubble, on the horse.

H: What do you feel?

M: I just feel sad right now.

H: Sad, very sad. Can you see your families?

M: I see a woman's face.

H: A woman? The woman is your mother, or... ?

M: I think so.

H: Tell me, the woman... her face. What's it look like? Is it a good-looking woman? A young woman?

M: She's older than me. She looks like a fish in the face... (stop crying)

H: Fish face?

M: ... but also like a human.

H: And the legs?

M: She has two legs. And she has feet like a ...

H: The face... eyes?

M: Yellow.

H: Eyes are yellow.

M: Yes, fish eyes.

H: The mouth, same as a fish?

M: Like a fish, but also like a human. Comes down like that. (trace a long mouth in the air)

H: Is there a nose?

M: Just two holes.

H: But eyes, there are two eyes of yellow color?

M: Yes.

H: How about the body? Are there hands?

M: Yes.

H: Like a human?

M: Yes, and two legs with feet like a fish... like a fin.

H: Oh, OK. So it's like a fish man. OK you have a fish man family, interesting. And what's happening this day?

M: I just came back from looking around. It's called a hippocampus, the horse. It's called hippocampus.

H: Oh, interesting. And do you know how long you've lived in the ocean city? Do you know the city name? (shake head "no") No, there's no name?

M: I can't think of it.

H: Is it a big or small city?

M: Big one.

H: So many fish men?

M: Yes. Between two rocks, or mountains. It comes down the valley and the bubble goes over the top of it.

H: Oh, very big. Interesting. So there are many families there. Can you tell me what they do every day?

M: Swimming, and living...

H: Eating what?

M: Weeds. Green leaves.

H: Oh, OK. So would you please, moving and swimming again, look around. Maybe you can find more families. Anything more interesting about this city? You can swim anywhere you like, immediately. What do you see now?

M: I swam into a cave. It's dark.

H: Many fish men live in the dark cave?

M: Yes.

H: It's very deep?

M: I'm on the bottom of the ocean.

H: OK, do you know what you do every day? Or nothing? (shaking head) OK, you are moving, swimming around. Tell me about the city. You will see the whole city view. What kind of house? Not a human house?

M: I see a red roof that looks like a circle. It looks like a circle because I'm on top of it, but it looks like a cone. And it's made of shells. The walls are white. That cave is used for hunting.

H: Do you have a friend?

M: I have a horse.

H: Swimming through the ocean, can you find your friend?

M: My horse is my friend. The hippocampus is my friend.

H: Oh, so you have only one friend. OK.

M: An animal.

H: The animals, ok. And tell me your feelings. When you're swimming in the ocean every day, and every where. You will know why you are here, what happened here. Let us go back to the last life day of the young fish man's life. Let us see what happened on the last day of his life. What do you feel now?

M: I'm back at the ship.

H: And what happened?

M: Some people dead inside the ship. (There was an airplane that flew over at this point, and I think she didn't hear the "dead" part.)

H: Some people?

M: Yes.

H: They are human? What happened?

M: I'm not sure, but the ship is at the bottom of the ocean.

H: Oh. And what are you doing?

M: I want to go to the ship, but I decided not to go.

H: Then? You went, or...

M: I went away.

H: OK.

M: It's too old, anyway. (I meant that the ship is too old and probably not able to save anyone that's dead inside.)

H: And how about your feelings? You still strong? (not sure exactly what she said here)

M: Yes.

H: What are you doing now?

M: I'm swimming away from the ship.

H: You like this ship?

M: I kind of like looking at it, I think.

H: So, you go to the ship now.

M: You want me to go to the ship?

H: But they can't see you.

M: Who's they?

H: The humans.

M: The ship is at the bottom of the ocean. (I felt like she didn't understand this part until just now.)

H: So there's no humans?

M: They're inside.

H: They're dead?

M: Yes. (start crying)

H: You feel sad? (nod) And what do you find besides the humans? Anything else you can see?

M: Boxes, and crates, and things made of wood.

H: Any other pictures? Please tell me.

M: I see their bodies.

H: Oh, you are so sad. And you do you want to go back to your home? What happened to you? Are you ok? (still crying) Now you are ok right? You can move away. OK, you are moving out, swimming out. Go back to the other place. Now you're away from the ship. We will go to the last day of the fish man's life. The last day before the fish man passed away. (stopped crying)

M: I'm in a bed looking up at my mom.

H: Your mom? Same as your earth mother? (I shake my head no) The fish man's mother? (I nod) And what happened?

M: She looks sad. (start crying)

H: She looks sad? And what happened to you? Are you hurt?

M: I think I am sick.

H: You're sick! You feel weak? You feel you are going to die? (I nod) You are dying? (I nod) Only your mom? Can you see your father also?

M: No, she's right in my face.

H: She's so worried.

M: But I'm not sad. I'm sad for her.

H: Because you are sick. I know you are so sad. I want you to leave. Move out of this picture. You already know why this is the last day, because you are sick. I want you to leave the scene, and I need you to tell me, do you have any idea of feeling the fish man's mother? You can feel her, can't you?

M: Yes. (Still crying. I'm not really sure what she was asking.)

H: Do you feel her love? (Nod) OK, you will remember. Now, I want you to come back. Come back. Leave the fish man's life. The old scene belongs to the past, past memories. All the memories will not bother mentally and physically. We found out the pictures and memories just for this life for reference. So let the fish man's family go on in their happy life. Leave them in the past, in the ocean. Now I want you to know that. May I speak to Brandon's subconscious please?

M: Sure. (stopped crying)

H: I have permission to speak to Brandon's subconscious?

M: Yes.

H: OK. I respect the power of the subconscious because I know it takes care of Brandon's body and does a very good job of it. I also know that the subconscious has the records of everything that has ever happened to Brandon in this lifetime and all the other lifetimes he has ever lived. So I respect the power of the subconscious. And I always ask for permission to speak to it and ask questions. Do I have permission to ask questions?

M: Yes.

H: I know the subconscious has brought forth many different lifetimes for Brandon to see today, but you selected this life, the fish man's family life, for him to see today. Why did you pick this lifetime?

QHHT Hypnosis Session Part 1

Below is the transcript of the recording made during the QHHT session. Remember, I am in Taiwan, and English is not the native language for the hypnotist. Before the recording started, she asked me to visualize a place. I visualized an ocean and beach setting. To add in things that may be unclear or some things that happened in the session, I put in some parenthetical comments. The session lasted an hour and a half, and it is taking me a long while to type it up word for word. This is the first post, and I aim to finish it up in the next post.


Hypnotist: It's a beautiful day. And what are you doing?

Me: I'm looking out into the ocean while on a cliff.

H: Do you feel happy?

M: Yes.

H: Do you want to go around, or no?

M: OK.

H: Tell me more about the surrounding.

M: There's trees behind me.

H: Tress? A tree or many trees?

M: Many trees and bushes.

H: Is it a big tree?

M: There's many big trees.

H: It seems very good. Anything else?

M: I thought I saw a deer, but I'm not sure.

H: So can you see some houses?

M: No.

H: No? No people?

M: Yes.

H: You're really alone?

M: Yes. (at this point I start feeling like I want to cry)

H: It's a beautiful day, isn't it? (she probably saw I was wanting to cry so she reminded me of the beauty)

M: Yes, blue sky.

H: Blue sky? And white clouds?

M: Yes.

H: Beautiful clouds. Can you smell something? Flowers?

M: Just ocean.

H: Just ocean, oh, big! Do you know why you're here? Just traveling here?

M: Just waiting. (start crying)

H: Why are you here? You don't know? Do you think maybe you are waiting for someone? Do you know who?

M: No.

H: No? Tell me your feelings.

M: I don't know why I am crying.

H: You don't know why you are here?

M: I feel like I am waiting for something or someone. (stop crying)

H: Yes, ok. Maybe you can find a small lot. Why don't you walk around this place? Maybe you can find someone.

M: I am walking. I don't see anything, just walking along the ocean. I just see ocean.

H: Just ocean. Do you also hear the sounds of the ocean?

M: Yes.

H: No ship? No birds?

M: Yes.

H: Blue sky and white clouds only?

M: Yes. Beach and trees.

H: OK, very peaceful. Do you like it here? (I nod my head.) Good. Oh, wonderful, you can stay here for quite a long time. No worry in a place like that. It's peaceful where there are no worries and no problems. Just peace and quiet. I know you can see the sky from here, right?

M: Yes.

H: Look at the sky and see if you can find a big, big, white -- very white, fluffy cloud. I am going to ask you to do something that might sound a little strange. I want you to float up to that cloud, and the cloud also moves down. You float up and sit on it. Tell me what that's like, to sit on a cloud.

M: It's white, cold.

H: Cold? But very soft?

M: Yes. (I was struggling with "soft," thinking that a cloud is not soft, it's just water vapor.)

H: And you don't worry. Yes, it will hold your weight just like magic. Now, you sit on it?

M: Yes.

H: Think more about the feeling when you sit down on the cloud.

M: It was more exciting to fly up to it than to sit on it.

H: Oh, great. Do you like -- Some people think it feels like cotton, but it will hold you just like magic. It's very comfortable, isn't it?

M: Yes.

H: Lie back on that cloud, and just let it absorb all of your weight. It's such a beautiful, wonderful feeling. It's like you don't have any weight at all. You can become one with the beautiful cloud. If you lay back on that cloud, let it absorb your weight. If you want to you can even wrap the cloud around you like a warm, warm blanket. Now, snuggle down into the cloud. It's such a beautiful, comfortable, safe feeling, and it's almost as though you don't even have a body because you become one with that beautiful, warm, comfortable, safe cloud. This cloud is floating through the air carrying you with it, soft and protected, comfortable and safe. Drifting and floating, ... (keeps repeating). This cloud moves over the land and the valleys and mountains and ocean. This cloud is magic because not only can it carry over you land and ocean, but it can also carry you back in time and space. I ask the cloud to move you back in time and space. To another time, another place where there is information you would like to find to help you in the very best way that it can. It's moving will carry you back. We're looking for the most appropriate time and the place to stop and look at and examine. Now the cloud is slowing down. It's stopping at the most appropriate time and place. I want you to drift off of the cloud back down. Down to the surface. It won't be anything sudden; just be like a leaf dropping gently back down to the surface. And as you come back down, I want you to tell me the very first thing that you see down there below you, or the very first impressions that you have as you come back down to the surface. Are you coming off of the cloud yet?

M: Yes.

H: What do you see down there? What is your feeling?

M: I can't see anything.

H: Can't see anything? Can you tell me the color?

M: Green and purple.

H: Purple? That's no problem. When we go to conversation, the color will disappear. There is a very bright light. Please also tell me how do you feel about the surroundings?

M: I feel like there should be something, but I don't feel anything.

H: Are you stepping on the land?

M: I thought I saw land for a moment, and it looked like there were two pieces of land and an ocean in between them. They were doing like this (I used my hands to try to show two continents with jutting parts almost touching other, like the geological feature "strait"). They were big, but there were two points coming together like this.

H: Oh, coming together? And tell me the color of the land.

M: Green.

H: Green? Two pieces the same color?

M: Yes.

H: And between the two pieces, what color?

M: Dark blue.

H: Oh, water? Ocean?

M: Yes.

H: Big ocean?

M: No, a thin one.

H: Anything on the land?

M: Mountains. Sometimes it looks brown.

H: But no humans or animals? (I shake my head "no.") Please tell me how about viewing yourself? Do you think you are human?

M: I don't feel any connection to anything.

H: Oh, please, can you see your feet or anything?

M: No.

H: You have no feet?

M: No.

H: Can you see your hands?

M: Yes.

H: Ok, good. What tools in your hands? What's held in your hands?

M: They're empty.

H: Empty? OK. Do you wear clothes on your body?

M: Not that I can see.

H: You can't see it. But your hands, you can't see any sleeves?

M: No sleeves.

H: Can you feel you wear any clothes on your body? (It may seem like she's asking the same question, but she seems to be trying to access different "clairs." These include clairvoyance, claircognizant, etc.)

M: No.

H: No. Also please tell me, do you feel you are a man or a woman?

M: Man.

H: Young or old?

M: Young.

H: Young, ok. You alone?

M: Yes.

H: Why can you see the two pieces of land? Where is your position? You above the pieces of land?

M: Yes. Where do they connect together?

H: Yes, so you see down on the situation?

M: Yes.

H: So you are not standing on the ground.

M: Yes.

H: So you are standing on clouds? Or something else? Or nothing?

M: Nothing.

H: Nothing! But do you think you are human?

M: I know that a human cannot look down like that.

H: OK you can feel free, if you like, to go to anywhere you like. You can move easily. Do you want to see anywhere about the two pieces of land? Or move on to another place?

M: I had a thought that I want to go under the water, but...

H: You are going under the water?

M: Well, I had a thought that I wanted to go under the water.

H: Oh, you have to go. And now, where are you?

M: (Sigh) It's dark.

H: It's dark? How do you feel the temperature is? Hot or cold?

M: Comfortable.

H: Great. It's dark? You are under the water?

M: Yes. (to both questions) I see some blue.

H: Some blue? Black blue, navy blue?

M: No, some turquoise.

H: Oh, it's a beautiful color! So around you is water?

M: Yes, and rocks.

H: Do you think you are in the ocean or a river, or something?

M: I am in between the pieces of land. (in the strait, I meant)

H: Oh, wow! It's quite a big, big water. Anything else you can see or feel around you? Fish, or...

M: I saw a fish.

H: What kind of fish?

M: It was a light color. White, or yellow.

H: Many?

M: It was just one, but he went behind a shadow.

H: Just one? Was it big or small?

M: Medium size to me.

H: So I want you to be the third person and look around yourself. Tell me what you look like now.

M: I'm at the bottom of the ocean.

H: Are you a human? You have a human body or no?

M: I can't see that. I think I have legs... I have a torso.

H: You have legs?

M: I think I have legs, and I think I am kicking them. Like swimming.

H: So you still can't see yourself? What kind of legs?

M: I think they're kind of pink.

H: They're human legs, but more pink?

M: They're just human pink.

H: Wearing nothing?

M: Yes.

H: Please also tell me do you feel you are young or old?

M: Young.

H: Are you a child? A kid? Adult?

M: Young man.

H: But you are a human?

M: I think so.

H: OK. So, tell me why are you here. Do you want to do something, or just for fun?

M: Seems like fun.

H: OK. You can swim, can't you?

M: Yes.

H: OK so you keep swimming to anywhere you like to go, and tell me what you see, what you're feeling.

M: I found a ghost ship. It's on the bottom; it's old, and it has plants on it.

H: Planets?

M: Plants, like moss or seaweed.

H: Oh. Then, you want to get out of the water?

M: (start crying) I want to go to it, but I can't.

H: All right. What happened? Do you feel sad? You alone? (Nodded my head) OK. Don't feel sad. You tried your best, but you're still in the water? (Nod) Now, we are moving to the other place. (stop crying) I want you to leave this place, keeping moving. To the other place, the very important day of this life, this young man's life. Let us see what happened on that important day. To the most important day of the water-young man's life, to the right time, to the right space. Now we've almost found it. We stopped. We are in the very important date of this water-young man's life. Please tell me what you see on this important date.

M: I don't see anything yet.

H: You can't see anything now?

M: Just colors.

H: What kind of colors?

M: Purple and blue.

H: No problem. We are speaking, and there is a light, a bright light. A view will come, and you will see. You need to see. There is a light in the blue and purple color. You will see more clearly, and more clearly, and then you will see a very clear picture there. Can you see the light?

M: It's flashing.

H: Anything else you see?

M: No.

H: Only light?

M: Yes.

H: What kind of light?

M: Blue and purple, sometimes green.

H: OK. The green light will become bigger, bigger. The light will let you know where you are. You will see something you need to see. You will see some information there. The light, the bright light, will get bigger than blue, green, and purple. More clear, more clear. Can you see now?

M: Not really.

H: OK. Do you think you want to go back to the ocean to be the young man in the ocean?

M: OK.

H: OK, let's move back to the previous picture. We go back to the ocean, moving, moving. Now, you are in the ocean. Are you back?

M: Yes.

H: Tell me what you see here. The same?

M: Yes.

H: What do you feel? Very happy to swim?

M: Um, I'm ok. A little fun.

H: OK, you go on swimming. See the surroundings. More fish? Other people with you?

M: I see the head of a horse.

H: Horse? Same color?

M: It's white.

H: White! How many?

M: Just one right in front of me like I'm riding on it.

H: Oh... horse in the water?

M: Yes.

H: But the horse can swim too?

M: It has a tail like a fish.

H: Ohh, interesting. Like a fish. Is it yours or your friend's? Or it just belongs to the ocean?

M: I just think it's... it doesn't belong to anyone.

H: Can you communicate with it?

M: Just simple commands.

H: Simple? Can you feel something about it?

M: It's smart.

H: White. Happy?

M: Yes.

H: Can you tell me about yourself? You still human?

M: I don't think so; I don't think I was human.

H: You don't know?

M: I don't think so, I don't know.

H: So I also want you to be the third party and look back. Look at yourself and tell me who you are. Can you see anything?

M: I think I see my leg.

H: What kind of leg? Human's? Or fish?

M: Both, I think.

H: OK, so maybe you have a home in the ocean. Can you please go home in the ocean? Find your families in the ocean?

My First Post

This is my first post as a lightworker! What is a lightworker? It is a person who helps others raise their vibration and try to achieve enlightenment. It all started at the beginning of the new year, 2016. I never was a person well-known for sharing thoughts or emotions. It makes me feel strange when talking about those things -- icky, weird, and uncomfortable. I plan on changing this part of me. It needs to change if I am going to make my living being a lightworker.

According to some channelers or intuitives I have been watching on YouTube, the DNA in our body was activated on the day the Mayan calendar ended: 12/21/2012. As a result, we may experience bodily symptoms. Our life may drastically change. This happened to me, exactly the year of 2012. I got a divorce, moved to a different country, started a new career, and had to learn a new language. Were these things the beginning of my awakening? I had to find the answer. I started watching YouTube videos of people who were channeling or giving out information. I looked into trying out Dolores Cannon's so-called "Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique" (QHHT), otherwise touted as past life regression. I've always wanted to try this, but had never had a reason to do so. I said that I wanted to live my life as it is, focus on the now, living in the earth. I didn't want to worry about souls, aliens, ghosts, or past lives. I wanted to focus on the life I have at the present. I lived that way ever since I stopped practicing Christianity back in 1999. Now, this year, my perspective is different; my life is different. I need to find that answer to the question "why am I here?"

I live in Taipei, Taiwan, but my Mandarin Chinese is not that good. I needed to find a person who spoke English, had trained under Dolores's QHHT training (when Dolores was alive, it was only she who traveled around the world teaching the method), and who would actually respond to the emails I sent out. After going to her website to look up QHHT practitioners, I discovered there were many in Taipei. I started emailing several of them, but only one replied. Her name is Odile. She agreed to help me experience QHHT therapy. That was scheduled to occur 1/18, just a few days ago.

I will type up the transcript of what happened to me, and I will summarize my thoughts on it in the next post.

Light and love to all.